Untold Adventures is an anthology featuring short stories set across several Dungeons & Dragons settings, including Eberron, the Forgotten Realms, Nentir Vale, and Dark Sun.
Untold Adventures contains the following short stories:
- "Under the Plains of Rust" by John Shirley (Nentir Vale).
- "The Steel Princess" by Alan Dean Foster (Nentir Vale).
- "Tallfolk Tales" by Lisa Smedman (Forgotten Realms).
- "The Foundling" by Mike Resnick (Nentir Vale).
- "The Forge of Xen'drik" by Kay Kenyon (Eberron).
- "Arena of Shadows" by Sarah Zettel (Eberron)
- "Watchers at the Living Gate" by Paul Park (Forgotten Realms).
- "Blood Oasis" by Kevin J. Anderson (Dark Sun).
- "Lord of the Darkways" by Ed Greenwood (Forgotten Realms).
- "Dreaming of Waterdeep" by Rosemary Jones (Forgotten Realms).
- "To Chaos and Back Again" by Jody Lynn Nye (Nentir Vale).
- "The Decaying Mansions of Memory" by Jay Lake (original setting).
External Links[]
- Untold Adventures article at the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.