The Tales of the Last War is an anthology of nine short stories by various authors set in Eberron published in 2006. Each story revolves around the Last War.
The Last War
The war to end all wars—or so it is hoped. For generations battle broke the once-proud kingdom of Galifar. As nation fought nation, adventure was never far away from those eager to find it.
Hunters of evil, seekers of fortune, loyal soldiers, and those just trying to stay alive. These are their tales.
The Tales of the Last War.”
— Back-cover text
- "Death at Whitehearth" by Keith Baker
- "Death Before Dawn" by Paul Crilley
- "The Blade of the Flame" by Tim Waggoner
- "Distant Fires" by Aaron Rosenberg
- "The Veiled Charge" by David A. Page
- "The Weight of Water" by Edward Bolme
- "War Machines – 992 YK" by Ian Burton-Oakes
- "Call of the Silver Flame" by James Wyatt
- "Flight of the Righteous Indignation" by Ari Marmell
Plot Synopsis[]
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