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The Talenta Plains are a vast grassland stretching from the Blade Desert to the borders of Karrnath and the Mournland. It is the home of wandering herds of buffalo-sized dinosaurs and tribal halflings remaining true to their ancient nomadic way of life since the days before humans walked the lands of Khorvaire.[3][4]


The Talenta Plains stretch out across the mideast of Khorvaire. They span from the eastern Endworld and Ironroot Mountains to the very border of the Dead Gray Mist on the fringe of the Mournland and encompassing Lake Cyre as part of their own territory to the west.[3]

The Talenta Plains is primarily grassland, but also includes the northern portions of the Blade Desert. The grasslands are slowly undergoing desertification, as the Blade Desert is expanding north at a rate of about a mile a year.[3][4]


The wandering nomadic halflings form the overwhelming majority of the population in the Talenta Plains. They are organized into tribes, which vary in size from less than a hundred to over a thousand. Each tribe has an appointed lath. The lath is determined through merit and not bloodline as many of Khorvaire's other leaders are. All members of the tribe are treated as equals but the lath determines the movements and settles disputes within the tribe. The lath remains in power until death or until something causes the tribe's confidence in their lath to change. At any time a lath can be replaced by someone else if a significant voice for change is stirred up.[2][5]

Occasionally a lath is so charismatic they are able to unite many tribes beneath one banner. These leaders are given the title of Lathon and authority to negotiate for the tribes as a whole. The most recent occurrence of this was Lathon Halpum, who united the Tribes at the end of the Last War and represented them at the Treaty of Thronehold, which recognized the Talenta Plains as a sovereign nation. [2][4][1]

The halfing tribes are traditional hunter-gatherer civilizations moving their domesticated herds of cattle, tribex, and herbivorous dinosaurs across the plains in constant pursuit of food, water and better grazing. The halflings ride either clawfoot or fastieth dinosaur mounts. When the rider captures and domesticates their mount, there is a special bond formed. Halfling riders will wear a hunt-mask which further strengthens their bond.[3][4][1]

The two halfling dragonmarked houses, House Jorasco and House Ghallanda also originated in the Talenta Plains, although House Jorasco, the house of healing, has moved its base of operation to Karrnath. House Ghallanda, the House of Hospitality, has remained centered in the Talenta Plains in the single established settlement of the plains, Gatherhold. Though many of Ghallanda blood have spread out to provide their service to the other nations, the base of operations has remained in the Talenta Plains since its founding.[6]

Power Groups[]


Halflings originated from the Talenta Plains, but their exact origin is unknown, just that they've been wandering eastern Khorvaire since long before the arrival of humans to the continent. As the Five Nations grew, the tribes of the Talenta Plains saw their nomadic lands slowly contract to just the Talenta Plains.[4]

Origin of Dragonmarks[]

About 3,200 years ago, halflings began to manifest the Mark of Hospitality. Those who manifested the mark saw this as a divine blessing and formed the Ghallanda tribe, dedicated to helping all those in need.[7] About 200 years later, the Jorasco tribe began to manifest the Mark of Healing. [8][9] During the conquests of Karrn the Conqueror, the Ghallanda tribe helped assisted human soldiers in need. When they returned to Karrnath with stories of dragonmarked halflings, House Cannith and Sivis organized an expedition into the Talenta Plains that discovered the two halfling marks, and worked with the halfings to create House Jorasco and House Ghallanda.[7] House Jorasco relocated to Karrnath and gave up being nomads, a move that created some distrust between the Talenta halflings and the house.[10]

Under Galifar[]

When King Galifar I united the Five Nations under one crown, the Talenta Plains were considered part of Cyre, but were given autonomy in exchange for tribute to the crown of Galifar.[3][4]

The Last War[]

During the Last War, both Karrnath and Cyre claimed ownership of the Talenta Plains. Initially the halflings saw no reason to become involved in the conflict beyond serving as mercenaries, but the clashes between Cyre and Karrnath ruined grazing areas and killed the beasts the halflings depend on for survival. The tribes of the Plains joined forces in a way they never had before under Lathon Halpum to present a unified front against the invaders. At the Treaty of Thronehold the tribes sent a delegation and were granted status as a sovereign nation.[3][4][11]


Since the end of the Last War, the halflings continue to live their lives as separate nomadic tribes. With the onset of peace Lathon Halpum gave up his title and has returned to leading one tribe, but urges peace and cooperation.[4] However, more foreigners are visiting the plains than any time before. Valenar warbands raid the Plains or trespass through the plains to raid Karrnath, who in turn sends soldiers into the plains to defend their borders.[12] Settlers and bandits travel out of Q'barra, and monstrous creatures appear out of the mists of the Mournland.[1] Some halfings have become xenophobic towards outsiders, and a faction under the shaman Holy Uldra urge a return to war to drive out all outsiders.[1][6][13]

Cities and Settlements[]

The only permanent settlement within the borders of the Talenta Plains is Gatherhold, the meeting place for the halfling tribes.[4][1][6][5]

Other Notable Locations[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Keith Baker, Jeremy Crawford, & James Wyatt (2019). Eberron: Rising from the Last War. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 125–126. ISBN 0786966890.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, & James Wyatt (2004). Eberron Campaign Setting. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 204. ISBN 0-7869-3274-0.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, & James Wyatt (2004). Eberron Campaign Setting. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 202. ISBN 0-7869-3274-0.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 James Wyatt and Keith Baker (2009). Eberron Campaign Guide. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 158–159. ISBN 0-7869-5099-4.
  5. 5.0 5.1 James Wyatt, Keith Baker, Luke Johnson, Steven Brown (2006). Player's Guide to Eberron. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 74. ISBN 0-7869-3912-5.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, & James Wyatt (2004). Eberron Campaign Setting. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 205. ISBN 0-7869-3274-0.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Keith Baker, Ari Marmell, Michelle Lyons and C.A. Suleiman (2006). Dragonmarked. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 30–31. ISBN 0-7869-3933-8.
  8. Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, & James Wyatt (2004). Eberron Campaign Setting. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 224. ISBN 0-7869-3274-0.
  9. Keith Baker, Ari Marmell, Michelle Lyons and C.A. Suleiman (2006). Dragonmarked. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 36. ISBN 0-7869-3933-8.
  10. Keith Baker, Ari Marmell, Michelle Lyons and C.A. Suleiman (2006). Dragonmarked. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 38–39. ISBN 0-7869-3933-8.
  11. James Wyatt, Wolfgang Baur, Ari Marmell (2007). The Forge of War. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 91. ISBN 0-7869-4153-7.
  12. Bill Slavicsek, David Noonan, and Christopher Perkins (2005). Five Nations. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 115. ISBN 0-7869-3690-8.
  13. James Wyatt and Keith Baker (2009). Eberron Campaign Guide. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 161. ISBN 0-7869-5099-4.


Regions & Nations of Khorvaire
Aundair | Breland | Darguun | Demon Wastes | Droaam | Eldeen Reaches | Karrnath | Lhazaar Principalities | Mournland | Mror Holds | Q'barra | Shadow Marches | Talenta Plains | Thrane | Valenar | Zilargo