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Spell Compendium is an accessory for the 3.5th-edition of the Dungeons & Dragons® ruleset. It presents many spells and divine domains.

Unlock the Lore of a Thousand Spellcasters

The essential spellcaster's companion, Spell Compendium gathers over 1,000 of the best spells from previously published Dungeons & Dragons® game supplements and campaign settings, Dragon magazine articles, and articles posted on the Wizards of the Coast website. The spells contained herein complement those presented in the Player's Handbook and have been updated to include official errata. In addition, this book contains descriptive read-aloud text telling you what a spell looks like, sounds like, or feels like.

Compiled by Matthew Sernett, Jeff Grubb, and Mike McArtor.
— Back-cover text


  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Spell Descriptions
  • Chapter 2: Spell Lists
  • Appendix: Domain Spells


Spell Compendium compiles spells from a variety of other Dungeons & Dragons® books and updates them to use the 3.5th-edition ruleset. Spell lists are included for all spellcasting classes in the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide, along with a selection of cleric domains.

Sources include the Eberron Campaign Setting, Draconomicon, Manual of the Planes, and many others, along with numerous issues of Dragon and articles originally found on the Wizards of the Coast website.

Spell Compendium was reproduced as a premium reprint featuring a new cover and including errata, released on April 16, 2013.


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  • Designer: Matthew Sernett, Jeff Grubb, Mike McArtor
  • Development Team: Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, Mike Donais, Stephen Schubert, Rob Watkins
  • Editors: Michele Carter, Kim Mohan
  • Editing Manager: Kim Mohan
  • Design Manager: Christopher Perkins
  • Development Manager: Jesse Decker
  • Senior Art Director D&D: Stacy Longstreet
  • Director of RPG R&D: Bill Slavicsek
  • Art Director D&D: Stacy Longstreet
  • Cover Artist: Victor Moray, Nyssa Baugher
  • Interior Artists: Steven Belledin, Mitch Cotie, Chris Dien, Wayne England, Jason Engle, Carl Frank, Brian Hagan, Fred Hooper, Ralph Horsley, Jeremy Jarvis, David Martin, Jim Nelson, William O'Connor, Lucio Parrillo, Michael Phillippi, Eric Polak, Wayne Reynolds, Ron Spears, Joel Thomas, Franz Vohwinkel
  • Graphic Designer: Dee Barnett
  • Graphic Production Specialist: Angelika Lokotz
  • Image Technician: Travis Adams
  • Production Managers: Josh Fischer, Randall Crews


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