Eberron Wiki
Eberron Wiki

Clan Soranath is a dwarf clan of the Mror Holds.[1]

It is based at Soranathhold in the northern Hoarfrost Mountains, which includes its side of Mirror Lake.[1]

It is known for its fine craftmanship. Soranath craftsmen work with those of other clans to turn raw materials into finished products.[1]

Thus they maintain friendliness towards other dwarven clans, but they in turn tend to resent the Soranaths' superior talents.[1]

In the distant past, the clan was founded by Sor, who got into a feud with Mror. Soranath and Mroranon have maintained this feud into the present day.[1]

Notable Members[]

  • Sor, the clan founder.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 James Wyatt, Keith Baker, Luke Johnson, Steven Brown (2006). Player's Guide to Eberron. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 54, 55. ISBN 0-7869-3912-5.


Clans & Holds of the Mror Holds
Clan Doldarun (Doldarunhold)Clan Droranath (Droranathhold)Clan Kolkarun (Kolkarunhold)Clan Laranak (Laranakhold)Clan Londurak (Londurakhold)Clan Mroranon (Mroranonhold)Clan Narathun (Narathunhold)Clan Soldorak (Soldorakhold)Clan Soranath (Soranathhold)Clan Toldorath (Toldorathhold)Clan Tordannon (Tordannonhold)

House Kundarak (Kundarakhold)Clan Noldrun† (Noldrunhold)
