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New Galifar is a kingdom established in the region of Q'barra in 928 YK by settlers from the Five Nations. Its current ruler is King Sebastes ir'Kesslan.[2]


New Galifar lies along on the coast of Adder Bay and extends inland along the Adder River.[2]


New Galifar was the brainchild of Duke Ven ir'Kesslan of Cyre, who was heartbroken when the Last War shattered the kingdom of Galifar into separate nations, and sought to found a new nation away from the strife of the Last War.[3] Ven received permission from King Connos ir'Wynarn of Cyre to settle east of the Endworld Mountains, and in 928 YK Ven traveled with an expedition of 4000 to Q'barra. A third of the expedition's ships were lost to weather and pirates, but it eventually landed on Adder Bay, where Ven founded the settlement of Adderport and the kingdom of New Galifar.[2][3][4]

However, New Galifar quickly discovered that the jungles it was settling were already occupied by a mixture of dragonborn, kobolds, and lizardfolk, primarily in the northern parts of Q'barra. The settlers disturbed sites that were sacred to the native Q'barrans, resulting in hostilities breaking out between New Galifar and the various local groups. The most serious conflict was in 969 YK when the Cold Sun Tribes attacked New Galifar, inflicting severe casualties before eventually being repulsed.[2][3]

In more recent years some of the lizardfolk and dragonborn have formed truces with New Galifar and begun trade with the settlers. In 996 YK, Q'barra was represented at the Treaty of Thronehold by King Sebastes, grandson of Ven ir'Kesslan, as well as a dragonborn delegation led by High Elder Bhisma Na'kala Flamebrow.[2]


New Galifar has attracted many settlers, including idealists admiring ir'Kesslan's vision and refugees from the Last War, but also outlaws, war criminals, and most recently, displaced Cyrans fleeing the Mournland. This variety of immigrants means that New Galifar has plenty of tension among its populace.[2][3]


New Galifar regularly trades with some groups of the local lizardfolk and dragonborn populations.[2] It also has good trade relations with its neighbors in the Lhazaar Principalities and Valenar and is working to improve trade relations with the Mror Holds and Riedra.[2][4]

A major export of New Galifar is dragonshards, the mining of which is mainly overseen by House Tharashk.[5] New Galifar also has good relationships with House Jorasco and House Ghallanda.[1]


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