Eberron Wiki
Eberron Wiki

Clan Narathun is a dwarf clan of the Mror Holds.[1]

It is based at Narathunhold, in the southern Hoarfrost Mountains. It held mines digging out precious gemstones.[1]

The jewelers of Clan Narathun are said to the finest in Eberron. They work with Clan Doldarun to create exquisite jewelry and with Clan Mroranon to craft ceremonial weaponry.[1]

Meanwhile, Clan Narathun feuds with Clan Droranath over a business deal they say Droranath reneged on a long time past. They also feuded with Clans Toldorath and Tordannon, accusing them of stealing from Narathun dwarves in even earlier times.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 James Wyatt, Keith Baker, Luke Johnson, Steven Brown (2006). Player's Guide to Eberron. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 55. ISBN 0-7869-3912-5.


Clans & Holds of the Mror Holds
Clan Doldarun (Doldarunhold)Clan Droranath (Droranathhold)Clan Kolkarun (Kolkarunhold)Clan Laranak (Laranakhold)Clan Londurak (Londurakhold)Clan Mroranon (Mroranonhold)Clan Narathun (Narathunhold)Clan Soldorak (Soldorakhold)Clan Soranath (Soranathhold)Clan Toldorath (Toldorathhold)Clan Tordannon (Tordannonhold)

House Kundarak (Kundarakhold)Clan Noldrun† (Noldrunhold)
