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Loquasphinxes are large magical beasts of a neutral alignment. They appear a lot like a lion with wings and a head a little like that of a human. They are powerful and use truename magic. Loquasphinxes are most common in the warm deserts of Xen'drik. However, they can also be encountered to a lesser extent on the Talenta Plains.[1]


Loquasphinxes appear like other sphinxes, with the body of a lion, the face of a human, and the wings of a bird. Loquasphinxes possess eerie green eyes, razor-sharp teeth, and faint bands of black along the fur of its body. When it speaks, it uses truename magic, giving everything it says a level of importance.[1]


Like other sphinxes, loquasphinxes are extremely curious. They seek out truename magic, and are avid scholars of Truespeech. They rarely enter combat, unless forced to do so, or unless the target possesses something the loquasphinx wants. Loquasphinxes enjoy a fine conversation, and frequently trade in knowledge.[1]


Loquasphinxes use truename magic when they speak, forcing the target to answer its questions. While the loquasphinx disdains combat, it may be forced to fight using its claws and teeth. In combat, it will divebomb its prey, using its truename utterances to weaken its opponents before flying in with a rake attack.[1]


