The Tain Gala SharnFirst Far of each month The Tain Gala is massive gala hosted by the powerful ir'Tain family. It is perhaps the most important social event in all of Sharn. The families of the Sixty, Sharn's de facto royalty, all have permanent invitations, while unusual and interesting celebrities are invited as entertainment - potentially including adventurers.
7 - Sar[]
8 - Sul[]
9 - Mol[]
10 - Zol[]
11 - Wir[]
12 - Zor[]
13 - Far[]
14 - Sar[]
Silvertide The Silver Flame The highest holy day in the faith, Silvertide commemorates the sacrifice of the couatl and the entry of the Silver Flame into Eberron thousands of years ago. Cathedrals fill the overflowing as all Purified who do not absolutely have to be somewhere else spend the day in prayer and observance.