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Kasshta Keep is a monastery fortress that serves as the de facto capital of Adar. It is the home of Chanaakar, leader of the Keepers of the Word. Kasshta Keep is one of the few monasteries in Adar whose location is accurately known by outsiders, particularly the Inspired of Riedra.[1][2][3]


Kasshta Keep lies on the border of Adar and Syrkarn, carved into a mountain thousands of feet above the waters of the Kasshta River. The only ways to access the Keep are by eastern trails that lead to the Keep's gate, or by magical winches that can lift boats up from the river to an artificial mountain lake.[1][2][3]

The Keep is often enshrouded by storms and strange mists.[1][2]


The Keep is the original stronghold of the Keepers of the Word.[4] Elders from that organization's Council of the Wise oversee the day to day operations of the Keep. The keep is also the dwelling place of Speaker of the Word Chanaakar, Adar's spiritual leader.[1]


Kasshta Keep is a fortress in a naturally defensible location high in the mountains. Its elevation, a river crossing, as well as stormy weather make it difficult to reach. This is enhanced by a shroud resonator within the fortress which prevents all forms of teleportation and scrying on the Keep and the surrounding area.[1] Should the Inspired make it past these natural and magical defenses, the Keep also has the largest concentration of defenders in Adar, including monks, wizards, and mystics.[2][3][5]


The first kalashtar Haztaratai died at Kasshta Keep in 151 Age of Taratai (-651 YK).[6]

In the autumn of 702 AT (-100 YK), Riedran forces led by kalaraq quori general Ulakhan laid siege to the Keep. The kalashtar of the Taratai lineage led a small army of Adaran monks to defend the keep, and despite great losses, managed to rout the Riedran army and capture Ulakhan and bind his quori spirit into a gem. The gem containing Ulakhan remains in the keep to this day. However, the Taratai lineage was almost entirely wiped out in the battle, and the last few members of the lineage disappeared in silver light during the next winter when Adar's shroud resonators were activated.[6]

During Chanaakar's tenure as Speaker of the Word, the Keep was infiltrated by a group of Endseekers with the aid of teacher Raadu Xeel. The Endseekers attempted to assassinate the Speaker but were foiled by Chanaakar's sister Luunkashtai, and his guard, Kaala, the latter of whom perished in the attack. Xeel was subsequently executed by the Keepers of the Word.[7]

Notable Locations[]

Most of Kasshta Keep is subterranean chambers carved into the mountain.[1][2]

The Council Chambers in the highest parts of Kasshta Keep are where the most respected elders live and work. It is also the meeting place of the Council of the Wise.[1]


The population of Kasshta Keep is mostly human and kalashtar. The Keep also has a number of rookeries for asperi.[1]




Monasteries of Adar
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