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Eberron Wiki
Quori monoliths

The hanbalani altas (sanctuaries of the soul) or quori monoliths are psionic structures of crystal and stone that occupy a central part of religious life for citizens of Riedra, and the Path of Inspiration that they follow. These strange egg-shaped monoliths are present in all the major cities of Riedra.[1][2][3]

Citizens of Riedra believe these places house the spirits of the dead before they transition into their next life along the Path of Inspiration.[1] In fact, these monoliths are being built to collect, shape, and channel enough dream energy to enable the quori to possess the bodies of any being, willing or not, as well as connect their severed home plane, Dal Quor, the Plane of Dreams, to Eberron for another attempt at invasion and conquest.[4]

A smaller monolith exists in the Riedran outpost of Dar Qat in Xen'drik.[5]


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