Eberron Wiki
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Eberron Wiki

A dalnan is a small structure made of steel and deep crystal constructed by the Akiak culture of dwarves and duergar.[1]


The dalnans are small steel and deep crystal structures that were built by the Akiak to harness the psionic power of a community. They represent an early development that led to the quori monoliths now used by the quori and their Inspired puppets of Riedra.[1]


After separating from the Dorann Holds of the Tashana Tundra, the Akiak moved south to the Paqaa Mountains, and became adept at alchemy and metallurgy thanks to the abundant resources of the region. The Akiak acted much like a guild then, and these skills put them in great demand across many parts of Sarlona as they spread across Riedra and even approached the borders of Adar.[1]

As the Akiak spread, they constructed dalnans to harness psychic energy. The Inspired of Riedra hired the Akiak and paid them in gold to aid them in constructing the hanbalani altas ("sanctuaries of the soul"). The dalnans served as a building block for the hanbalani, though the quori brought innovations to the design that the Akiak had never dreamed of on their own.[1]

Following the Inspired feeling that they'd learned enough from the Akiak to construct the devices on their own, the Inspired betrayed the dwarves in an event known as the Night of Razor Dreams as their shifter warriors of the Taskaan Legion killed and enslaved Akiak villagers in the Paqaa Mountains. This started a deep-seated enmity towards the Inspired among the Akiak refugees who survived and now aim their ire at Riedra.[1]

Dalnans from this period still exist across Sarlona.[1]


