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Corvagura is the crown province of the Unity of Riedra. It has the largest population of Riedra's provinces and is the seat of power for many branches of Riedra's government. It also holds Riedra's capital of Durat Tal, as well as the country's main port, Dar Jin.[1]


Corvagura is located in southeastern Sarlona, bordering the provinces of Borunan and Pyrine to the northwest, and the region of Adar to the west. The Barren Sea lies to the south and east of the province.[2] The province's landscape is primarily plains and jungles, most notably the Shanjueed Jungle in the south of the province. The province has a number of manifest zones linked to Mabar, Lamannia, and Thelanis.[1]

Corvagura is a province of Riedra, but is furthered divided into administrative regions known as spheres, each sphere being a circular region centered on a bastion city. The Sphere of Surasek is the name of region centered on Durat Tal, while the Sphere of Tureya is the region centered on Dar Jin.[3][4]


Corvagura was once an independent kingdom ruled by an oppressive line of sorcerer-kings. It grew into one of the most powerful kingdoms on the continent by conquering its neighbors, and began to vie with Nulakesh for control over the eastern parts of the continent. During the Sundering, Corvagura was thrown into chaos, warring with its neighbors, and unleashing devastating magic from its sorcerers. After 200 years of war, the Inspired appeared, overthrowing the tyranny of Corvagura's sorcerer-kings and offering a way to save people from the chaos of war through the Path of Inspiration. The Inspired united Corvagura with its former enemies of Nulakesh and Pyrine against the sorcerer-kings of Ohr Kaluun, ending the Sundering by unifying Corvagura and the other kingdoms of Sarlona into one nation, the Unity of Riedra.[1][5]

Ninety years after the formation of Riedra, the Inspired ordered all humans in modern-day Syrkarn to leave the region, resettling some of the population in Corvagura.[6]

In 998 YK, the Unity of Riedra allowed foreigners to legally trade in the port of Dar Jin for the first time.[7] Today, Corvagura is one of the most loyal provinces of Riedra, although it still sees some illicit smuggling by the Dream Merchants.[1][8]


The vast majority of the population of Corvagura is human. The inhabitants of Corvagura are extremely loyal to the Unity of Riedra, possibly because the region has the greatest number of hanbalani altas.[1]

Notable Locations[]




Provinces of Riedra
Borunan | Corvagura | Dor Maleer | Khalesh | Nulakesh | Ohr Kaluun | Pyrine | Rhiavhaar