Eberron Wiki
Eberron Wiki

Cazhaak Draal is the ruin of what once was a vast hobgoblin metropolis located in the Stonelands of Droaam.[1]


The city was overrun by the daelkyr during the Daelkyr War, and all of its inhabitants were turned to stone. Weathered goblinoid statues litter Cazhaak Draal's streets to this very day. The city remains remarkably well-preserved, perhaps as a side effect of whatever magic was used to petrify its inhabitants.[1]

In 778 YK, a group of medusas, gargoyles, and basilisks trained for war emerged from Khyber. The medusas laid claim to a small section of the ruins.[1]


The medusas remain under the leadership of Sheshka, the Queen of Stone. At any point in time most of Droaam's medusa population can be found here.[1]


Cazhaak Draal is directly connected to Khyber and many fearsome creatures crawl up into the city from its depths.[1]

Rumors & Legends[]

According to the lore of the Kech Volaar, great treasure is hidden within Cazhaak Draal. However, the medusas have likely found some of it within the small portion of the city they inhabit, and the presence of Khyber's monstrosities must dampen the resolve of even those brave enough to sneak around the medusas' domain.[1]


