The Eberron Campaign Setting was created as part of the 2003 Fantasy Setting Search, and has remained a popular setting for D&D campaigns. This guide is intended to give a rundown of sources for information about Eberron.
Core Books[]
The core books to Eberron are the general campaign setting books. They include
- Rising from the Last War - 5e
- Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron - 5e (prior to the release of Rising from the Last War)
- Eberron Campaign Guide - 4e
- Eberron Campaign Setting - 3e
Each of these books provides a broad setting overview. While differences in the depth, focus, and tone of content differs, each is sufficient to begin playing games in the world of Eberron, and none assume prior contact with the setting.
Player Books[]
The following books are oriented towards providing players with mechanical options to build Eberron characters. Not all information in these is duplicated to the edition-appropriate core book, but for the most part these books give a narrower and spoiler-free view of the world.
One note - both Rising from the Last War and the Eberron Campaign Setting provide mechanical options for players, including the Artificer class; however, they also contain setting "spoilers" not intended for players. Rising from the Last War reprints almost all of the character options and magic items from Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron, and adds additional material for both players and DMs.
Supplementary Books[]
The following books are primary canonical sources on the world of Eberron, but each assumes more core knowledge about the world.
- City of Stormreach - 3e
- Dragonmarked (book) - 3e
- Dragons of Eberron - 3e
- Explorer's Handbook - 3e
- Faiths of Eberron - 3e
- Magic of Eberron - 3e
- Races of Eberron - 3e
- Secrets of Sarlona - 3e
- Secrets of Xen'drik - 3e
- Sharn: City of Towers - 3e
- The Forge of War - 3e
Other Canon Sources[]
Throughout Eberron's publishing history there have been a number of non-book canonical sources
Web Supplements[]
"Kanon" Sources[]
Writings by Keith Baker that are not official through Wizards of the Coast are known as "Kanon".
Unlike some other settings, adventures in Eberron are explicitly not canon - there is no "metaplot". Still, Eberron adventures can be useful resources for DMs looking to get into the setting.