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Eberron Wiki
Dwarven Artificer

Artificers are a Leader class featured in the Eberron Player's Guide and in the Eberron Campaign Setting

Magic in Eberron takes many forms. One of the more unique forms is the practice of artifice, wielders of this magic are known as Artificers. With a masterful knowledge of magical devices and constructs it can be said that artificers keep the cogs of the technological marvels of Eberron running.

Game Rule Information

Artificers cast infusions which are neither arcane nor divine in nature. Few find their role as a front-line fighter, usually using their ability to create magic items and wield magic items to the benefit of the others in the party.

Craft Reserve unlike other spellcasting classes the artificer has a craft reserve pool. This pool of points can be spent in lieu of experience points when crafting magic items.

Artificers gain all of the item creation feats over the course of their class progression. They also gain the ability to create a homunculus.


Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, & James Wyatt (2004). Eberron Campaign Setting. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 29–33. ISBN 0-7869-3274-0.
